BLOGMAS Day 10: The Countdown is On!!!

Hello everyone!

15 days until Christmas!! The countdown is officially on!!

The Christmas tunes are blaring, the Christmas jumpers are on, the decorations are up, lights are flashing everywhere you go... and yet, I still have plenty of Christmas presents to buy!

The time is flying and I just can't find a moment to buy the remaining presents. There was a time a few years ago when I had all of my presents bought and wrapped by the 2nd of December. Now, I have 4 out of 7 presents bought and none wrapped... AND THERE'S ONLY 15 DAYS LEFT!! 

I still have Christmas baking to do, Christmas movies to watch, Christmas cards to write and Christmas visits to make. I don't even know where the time has gone to be honest, and with just two weeks left, I don't know will I get a chance to do everything I want to do, never mind getting the chance to do what I need to do! 

On top of all the Christmassy things I have to do, I also have work, Blogmas to keep on top of (I'm not complaining though! I did bring this on myself!), and my social life to keep track of! 
I've been watching Zoella's Vlogmas (because I don't have time to watch anyone else's, and I'd rather I watch her's than none at all!) and I don't understand how she has so much time to do everything! She vlogs every day, puts up a video every day and blogs every day, if not every second day, AND SHE STILL GETS TO DO EVERYTHING SHE WANTS TO DO!!! It's not fair...... (Don't worry, I still love her and always will love her! But I'll save my love for Zoella for another day!)

*sigh* Life is tough guys. I spent the day in Galway with my mam shopping, and Christmas shopping still isn't complete... So to cheer myself up, I am sitting in front of the Christmas tree in my Christmas pyjamas drinking a white wine spritzer and munching on a box of Roses
I will get motivated to do more Christmas shopping next week, but for this week I will just suffer in my un-Christmassy mood (lol... as if I'll ever be in that mood!) and eat lots of chocolate!

Until next time.
Fifs xo

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Instagram: AoifeDoyle1995
Snapchat: justfifs
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