An Evening with Children

Hello everyone!

This evening, I was babysitting my three cousins and next door neighbour for a few hours. These four kids are extremely hyper and loud when they get together, so I had to keep them entertained and make sure they weren't bored.

So we went baking! I had made the Tanya Burr cookies for my cousin's birthday, and they wanted to help make some more. Sometimes it's great having help while baking, but having four little helpers can be quite difficult! However, we got through it and managed to make 15 amazing cookies with nutella and marshmallows in the middle!!

I gave the kids control of the music during our baking session. The three girls went against the one boy and chose Disney Princess songs, and soon enough we were all dancing and singing along to our favourite Princesses! I was extremely proud when they then chose my musical playlist and knew all the words to the songs from Hairspray, Les Mis and Little Shop of Horrors!! It's good to know I've influenced them in some way ;)

They then disappeared to the sitting room to play their own little game while the cookies were in the oven (leaving me to tidy up after our baking experience!!) However, hearing them laugh and using their imagination helped me to forgive them for leaving me with the tidy up. It made me think back to when I was younger and would play imaginary games with my friends and cousins. 

Letting them off to play on their own also gave me a chance to catch up on my YouTube subscriptions. However, every so often, a little head would pop around the corner looking suspicious. But when asked what they wanted, they would reply with 'nothing' in their innocent voice and run away. The girls must have ganged up on the boy as he finally came out to the kitchen and asked me could they have one of the cookies yet. When I answered 'yes,' all three girls came running into the kitchen!! It's the simple things that keep them quiet and entertained, such as chocolate...

They've just gone home now and I'm here in the kitchen typing this up, eating one the cookies (with a rolo on top!!) and drinking a well deserved cup of tea. 

Whenever I mind these kids, it always makes me think back to my childhood and the fun I had with my Barbies and teddies, making up a town for the Barbies and playing school with the teddies. Nostalgia has kicked in for the night and I'm off to watch some Pokémon before I go to bed!!

Until next time.
Fifs xo

P.S. Be sure to check out my YouTube channel! (shameless self-promotion, I know!!)
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