Blue Monday.

Hello everyone!

Blue Monday. 
The third Monday in January.
The most depressing day of the year.

Every year, I hear about 'blue Monday' but I never know when the day falls until it's here. Basically, it's just another Monday in my eyes.
And yeah, Mondays can be tough at the best of times. But they can also be a great excuse to start again. 
A new week = a new beginning. 

Most people have given up on their New Year's Resolutions by now, according to 'research' which determines when Blue Monday falls. Everyone is back to work, school, college, wherever you are in life. You're hitting a low after the Christmas season, which was 3 weeks ago by now. 
I can see how it would be a tough time, but I don't see why you should make it a tough time.

Picture sourced on pinterest.

Get out there. 
Keep going. 
Get motivated. 
Do something. 
Enjoy your Mondays. Make them worth while. 

Until next time. 
Fifs xo

Instagram: justfifs
Snapchat: justfifs
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